The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is the driving force among regulatory authorities in implementing the EU's groundbreaking chemicals legislation for the benefit of human health and the environment as well as for innovation and competitiveness. ECHA helps companies to comply with the legislation, advances the safe use of chemicals, provides information on chemicals and addresses chemicals of concern.
Manpower is the primary workforce agency to provide interim professionals for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
Now we are looking for ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORTS / ASSISTANTS to The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) with this open application model.
ECHA's work environment is very international and youthful and the office is located in Helsinki city center.
If you have previous experience in working at ECHA or you are a new candidate, we are very delighted to have your application via us!
Administrative support to cover administrative and/or clerical tasks in the areas of event support, HR support, communications support, secretarial support, financial support and other administrative tasks of the Agency.
- Previous experience of similar working with administrative assisting tasks
- Ability to take ownership and responsibility for specific areas of work and see actions through to completion, ensuring that the deadlines are met
- Pro-active style to work
- Aptitude for teamwork as well as cooperative and customer-oriented attitude
- Proficiency in MS Office (specifically Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)
- Good English skills, both written and spoken (as this is the working language of the Agency)
What we offer:
We offer you an interesting, multicultural working environment and a chance to develop your skills.
The position is a fixed term employment relationship with Manpower. The normal working week is 37.5 hours.
Apply information:
Apply for this job preferably with an EUROPASS CV in English as soon as possible via Manpower's link. For GDPR reasons, we do not accept applications or CVs via email.
In case you don't have an EUROPASS CV, please use this:
We will contact you as soon as a suitable position opens up through us.
More information:
Delivery Manager Alma Rista [email protected]
Talent Aqcuisition Consultant Roosa Marjanen [email protected]
All job offers are based on a service offered to ECHA by the Consortium infeurope S.A., Luxembourg and ManpowerGroup, Finland.
Manpower on maailman johtavia rekrytointi- ja henkilöstöalan yrityksiä, joka toimii 80 maassa ja on markkinajohtaja Pohjoismaissa ja Baltiassa. Suomessa olemme yksi suurimmista rekrytointiin, henkilöstövuokraukseen ja soveltuvuusarviointeihin erikoistuneista yrityksistä. Työnantajat etsivät kauttamme taitavia ja motivoituneita ammattilaisia kaikille organisaatiotasoille, määräaikaisiin ja vakituisiin työsuhteisiin. Palvelemme asiakkaitamme ja hakijoitamme valtakunnallisesti aluetoimistojemme kautta.