The Saari Residence, maintained by Helsinki-based Kone Foundation, is an international residence located in Mynämäki, Southwest Finland. It offers an excellent opportunity for artists of all disciplines and nationalities to focus undisturbed on creative work in the scenic surroundings of a rural manor house, as well as the chance to interact with other residents. Every year, the Saari Residence provides work facilities for dozens of individual artists, researchers or working groups. The Saari Residence is located in a nationally valuable landscape area, a tranquil rural setting surrounded by nature, situated 30 km north of Turku.
At the Saari Residence, artists and researchers can focus on their work and share their thoughts and experiences with colleagues. The keywords are slowness, insight, and change. The residence's long-term activities and thinking are underpinned by an ecological approach, which also covers social and psychological sustainability. The Saari Residence is a test platform for the future. The residence provides a place and context for finding and sharing sustainable working methods and for eliminating structural inequalities that make artists' work more difficult. The goal is to be a forerunner in sustainable operating models within the international residency sector.
We are looking for a Residency Coordinator to a permanent employment relationship
We offer a unique position of Residency Coordinator in the Saari Residence. The Saari Residence, located in Mynämäki (Southwest Finland), is an international and inspiring work environment maintained by Kone Foundation. Kone Foundation is stable and safe employer, and it offers very extensive benefits in addition to salary.
The Residency Coordinator's duties include, among other things:
- supporting the work of artists and researchers working in the residency and coordinating art
projects and events implemented locally by the residents
- coordination of residency services (such as trips for residents, workshops and events presenting
the work of residents)
- strengthening the dialogue between artists and researchers working in the residency and
coordinating short-term residency visits by researchers supported by Kone Foundation
- strengthening ecological thinking as part of residency services and facilitating discussion to
support ecological, social and psychological sustainability
- participation in the cooperation of the international residency field together with the Residency
- communicating residency events together with the Residency and Communications Coordinator
- assisting the Residency and Communication Coordinator with the annual residency application
- participation in the day-to-day running of the residency
What kind of person are we looking for?
We require the residency coordinator to have expertise in the field of art and a higher university degree in the fields of art (or from curation or from other art expertise). Previous applicable work experience in the field of art and working in the international community is considered an advantage. Successful handling of the task requires very good English language skills and at least moderate skills in the Finnish language. The Foundation can offer training to improve Finnish language skills.
We encourage applicants of different ages, different genders, and people belonging to cultural or other minorities to apply.
The work starts as soon as a suitable person has been found. The work is mainly done on site at the Saari Residence. The person to be selected for the position must be able to travel to the Saari Residence and to the events required by the job description.
Recruitment process is handled by Manpower. Apply for the position via the attached link as soon as possible. The position will be filled as soon as a suitable person is found!
Additional information and application instructions:
Send your free-form application with salary expectations and your resume. In your application, tell us about your motivation for this task, your relationship with contemporary art and your experience with international residency activities.
More information about the task will be provided by the Residency Director, Leena Kela, on Friday 10th of February between 9 and 12 AM and 3 and 4 PM. tel. +358 40 732 3628.
For more information on the recruitment process, please contact Manpower's Senior Deliver Manager Esko Saurio (tel. +358 40 647 2205/ [email protected]).
Manpower on maailman johtavia rekrytointi- ja henkilöstöalan yrityksiä, joka toimii 80 maassa ja on markkinajohtaja Pohjoismaissa ja Baltiassa. Suomessa olemme yksi suurimmista rekrytointiin, henkilöstövuokraukseen ja soveltuvuusarviointeihin erikoistuneista yrityksistä. Työnantajat etsivät kauttamme taitavia ja motivoituneita ammattilaisia kaikille organisaatiotasoille, määräaikaisiin ja vakituisiin työsuhteisiin. Palvelemme asiakkaitamme ja hakijoitamme valtakunnallisesti aluetoimistojemme kautta.